Unia Europejska

foto Piotr Bułhak

  1. Cenozoic mammals of Africa /­ ed. by Lars Werdelin and William Joseph Sanders. - Berkeley [etc], 2010.
  2. The emotional lives of animals :­ a leading scientist explores animal joy, sorrow, and empathy - and why they matter /­ Marc Bekoff. - Novato, California, 2008.
  3. Entomologia in Liguria. Storie di insetti, uomini e collezioni / R. Poggi. - Genova, 2012.
  4. Late Neogene and Quaternary biodiversity and evolution :­ regional developments and interregional correlations : proceedings of the 18th International Senckenberg Conference (VI International Palaeontological Colloquium in Weimar).­ Vol. 2 /­ Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke, Lutz Christian Maul & Paul P. A. Mazza (Eds.). - Frankfurt am Main,  2007 (Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg­i ; 259)
  5. Mammalia.­ 5,­ Chiroptera /­ Benedetto Lanza.- Milano,­ cop. 2012 (Fauna d'Italia­ ; vol. 47).
  6. Modularity in development and evolution /­ edited by Gerhard Schlosser and Günter P. Wagner. – Chicago, 2004.
  7. Opredelitel' nasekomyh Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii. Dopolnitel'nyj tom. Analiz fauny i obŝij ukazatel' nazvanij. - Vladivostok, 2011.
  8. Pizn'okrejdovi čerevonogi moluski Volino-Podillâ / Bakaeva S. G. ; Nacional'na akademiâ nauk Ukraini. Deržavnij prirodoznavčij muzej. - Kiiv, 2011.
  9. Prirodniča muzeologìâ: teorìâ ta praktika. Materìali vseukraïns'koï naukovo-praktičnoï konferencìï : 17-18 veresnâ 2009 r., m. Kam'ânec'-Podil's'kij, - L'viv, 2009.
  10. Quantitative methods in paleobiology / John Alroy and Gene Hunt, eds. - [United States of America], 2010 (Paleontological Society Papers ; vol. 16).


